DiverseCity Ventures Inc.
A Registered 501(c)(3)
DiverseCity Ventures accelerates positive social, economic, and / or environmental impact through entrepreneurship. DiverseCity Ventures Inc. is the official sponsor of the Founder Institute Sacramento, California Chapter, a 14 week pre-seed startup accelerator. We produce live and online events, provide training and advisory services, and sponsor select projects. Interested in a project or sponsorship? Contact us!

DiverseCity Ventures Inc.
A Registered 501(c)(3) Corporation

Deepak Sharma
CEO, Dream Vision, Inc.


Our advisory committee is comprised of individuals who bring unique knowledge, skills, and insights to DiverseCity Ventures' board of directors. Advisors contribute technical expertise and help to ensure effective planning. They offer fresh perspectives on programmatic issues while serving as advocates, ambassadors, and liaisons to relevant constituencies,
Other activities may include speaking engagements, leading or serving on committees , monitoring and strengthening of programs and services, ensuring adequate financial resources, and enhancing our impact.
Are you interested in becoming an advisor? Let us know!